Electronic Trading

Electronic trading and automation systems for Capital Markets

We augment and replace existing platforms with modular and fully customizable automated workflow solutions.

2022 • 2023 • 2024 Winner

Best Fixed Income Trading Solution

2022 Winner

Best Fixed Income Trading Workflow Solution

A young girl wearing glasses looking at a screen with column charts that are reflecting in her glasses.

valantic FSA in Fixed Income

Our Fixed Income Trading platform is functionally rich and operates at the highest level across pricing, quoting and execution for the most demanding D2D & D2C markets.

It includes highly adaptable workflows that bring superior levels of efficiency, insight, and business agility through:

  • High performance market making, execution and hedging
  • Fully automated client workflows
  • Highly adaptable customizable user interfaces
  • Extensive connectivity across electronic venues and asset classes
  • Simple integration with existing systems and solutions
  • All delivered via a flexible SaaS architecture (SaaS, hybrid, colo)
White tablet displaying the title page of valantic FSA's Fixed Income Expert Network Report. The report title is 'Investing to Meet the Demands of an Evolving Market'.

Report Q2 2024: Investing to meet the demands of an evolving market

This edition features significant updates: our network now includes both buy-side and sell-side fixed income participants. We explore firm performance in 2023, the anticipated impact of T+1 settlement rules in the US, and the growth…

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A business man wearing glassess sitting at a desk and looking at stock data on multiple computer screens.

valantic FSA in Equities

Our Equities platform supports highly adaptable liquidity provision for all securitized instruments, and brings superior levels of efficiency, insight and business agility to our clients.

  • Quoting, pricing, RFQ management and trading on multiple exchanges and ECNs
  • Support for different asset classes all in one application
  • Robust and ultra-scalable architecture
  • High-performance, low latency
  • Easy to integrate into existing infrastructure
  • Fully customizable pricing strategies
Graph with 2 axes. Axis 1 displays percent and axis 2


Legacy products and vendors cater for the most common requirements with a rigid offering, leaving a long tail of needs unattended. Solutions is a modern technology stack and a partnership model that can be used to fill the efficiency and compliance void left.

We can quickly deliver an intuitive web UI on top of existing and new workflows to:

  • Augment and integrate with existing systems.
  • Make building new systems from scratch easy.

Solutions gives you the ability to rapidly reshape your systems and adapt them to your real needs.

Factsheet: valantic FSA Solutions

Need to add new functionality and extract information from your old systems? Still manually gluing together old fragmented systems? Concerned to miss an opportunity because you won‘t be fast enough to change your old systems?…

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At valantic FSA, we are passionate about technology and using it to unlock the business potential within our clients.


The path to digitalization is easier than you think

valantic FSA erases technical debt with flexible technology and automated workflow systems.

Continuously adapt to a changing world.

Unlock ROI and reduce cost every step of the way.

Drive better client outcomes.

Empower better decision making.

Monetize data more easily.

On Premise, SaaS or Hybrid.

Let’s start a conversation.

Talk to one of our specialists to create your digital future.