
Continued growth of electronic corporate bond trading

July 30, 2021

The growth in corporate bond electronic trading continues, demonstrated by Tradeweb’s latest results showing ~22% Q2 YoY ADV growth in Credit, partly driven by robust European credit trading.

Having the right technology partner is key to be able to fully automate credit workflows as the market electronification continues. At valantic FSA, we pride ourselves on being the partner that our clients want to work with to address the workflow challenges that they face.

Reach out to myself, Peter or Maite and we’ll take you through why we are proving to be the partner of choice in Fixed Income electronic trading.

#tradeweb #credittrading #workflowautomation

Electronic Trading

The solutions to our problems are rooted in our past

The solutions to our problems are rooted in our past
Electronic Trading

Electronification pushes the need for more flexible systems

Electronification pushes the need for more flexible systems