Logistics Planning & Logistics Services

Designing tomorrow’s logistics

Technological innovations create new possibilities in the logistics process and structural design. Customers can be served faster and more flexibly. The selection of technology for software and hardware and a process design attuned to this become a success factor in logistics. The exploitation of innovation potential is the task for the logistics of tomorrow.

Shot of a young man using a digital tablet while working in a warehouse

Logistics planning & logistics services at a glance

People responsible for logistics are confronted with the big challenge of advancing the digitalization of the supply chain, yet at the same time managing dimensions of digital transformation such as the real-time capability of data and its security, flexibility, and scalability. The Corona crisis has shown how important it is to establish robust, resilient supply chains. The globalization of supply chains cannot be stopped, even if they become local again due to global influences. valantic helps companies expand, adapt, and specialize their supply chains, horizontally and vertically.

With valantic’s offer in the field of logistics planning & logistics services, we can help you find the right direction and work with you to implement an appropriate and efficient solution in all situations. The essential focus here is on the harmonious interplay of logistics and technology. With state-of-the-art management and logistics methods and technologies, we help companies establish robust logistics structures and high-performance supply chains, optimize digital processes, and resolve existing digitalization gaps.

Supply chain design

Today’s drivers of transformation, including globalization, the opening up of new markets and shorter product life cycles, are confronting logistical networks, most of which have grown up historically, with big challenges. These sometimes isolated decisions in supply chain design create inefficiencies within value-creation networks, which amplify one another. The planning and control of today’s supply chains is becoming more complex and requires constant adjustment in order to ensure high efficiency and effectiveness and optimize transport costs for the long term.

With logistics planning & logistics services, valantic helps companies in supply chain design to create transparency, optimize logistics costs, and redesign logistics networks according to individual requirements. In the process, we consider strategic, tactical, and operative planning levels, always relying on current and future basic conditions. This way, companies can fulfill customers’ requirements with lower logistics costs and with the desired service level.

valantic graphics about supply chain design, valantic logistics management

When helping companies with supply chain design, valantic considers the strategic, tactical, and operative planning levels.

Location development planning

Locations, structures, and systems that have developed historically make implementing current automation and digitalization trends more difficult, hindering efficient processes and a sustainable material flow. To manage these problems, many companies focus on structural, process, and IT planning and implementation. However, the resulting changes within the organization are frequently underestimated and stand in the way of successfully achieving the planned goals.

As an integrated process and IT consulting company, valantic supports companies as part of logistics planning & logistics services in achieving their set goals quickly and in a results-oriented fashion: from strategic planning to realization and start-up.

We formulate realistic warehouse planning solutions with our own 2D/3D visualization software MAGELLAN. In addition to visualizing warehouse planning, simulation and optimization of internal material flow design and its positioning is a central component. This way, changes and new scenarios can be integrated quickly and flexibly. Furthermore, we design and realize customized organizational development including appropriate change management.

valantic graphics about location development planning, valantic logistics management

Our strategic planning model for locations and logistical infrastructure has proven itself over and over again.

Connected plant

Thanks to innovations and trends such as the Internet of Things (IoT), ever larger quantities of data can be generated in a plant. This extensive and complex data alone doesn’t generate any added value, for the challenge is to gain valuable insights from it. With a solid database, predictive analyses can contribute to counteracting risks proactively and exploiting optimization potential. Intelligent algorithms, such as machine learning, help monitor, control, optimize, and automate processes and therefore realize the digitalization of material flows.

Thanks to its well-established logistics expertise and deep-reaching process knowledge, valantic helps companies identify the right starting points for a networked plant and ask the right questions for a data-driven optimization. In the process, we focus on the networking of an individual plant and on the plant network. With the combination of our expertise in supply chain management and data science, valantic is able to advance companies’ data integration, transformation, and analysis for the long term.

Project flow

Sustainability in supply chain management

In addition to classic supply chain management (SCM), ever more companies are focusing on various sustainability aspects in SCM. What does it mean when we talk about sustainable supply chain management?

Sustainable supply chain management implements the management of materials, information, (production) processes, and capital flows in cooperation with all companies participating in the production process.  The goal is to integrate the three dimensions of sustainable development – economics (costs), ecology (environment), and social (people) – along the entire value chain.

Sustainability triangle with target function of supply chain management

Sustainable supply chain management includes the optimization of the three goals costs (economy), environment (ecology), and people (social).

The first important step for the transformation to a sustainable company is creating transparency about environmental effects and greenhouse gas emissions in the form of the CO2 footprint. Based on the results of the climate balance sheet, levers can be identified and measures for resource efficiency and productivity increase derived. When searching for solutions, valantic considers all sustainability aspects (ecological, economical, and social) in the area of logistics planning & logistics services.

valantic is proceeding by setting a good example and implementing its first measures for resource efficiency in its offices and business processes. We were able to create a climate balance sheet for the Munich office, one that enables us to put a precise number to greenhouse gas emissions and derive measures for reduction. With the reduction of our CO2 footprint and compensation for additional unavoidable emissions, we will become a climate-neutral consulting company.

5 reasons why you should work with valantic


We enable our customers to design their strategic orientation and operations proactively thanks to digitalization and our long experience and method expertise. We are developing ourselves constantly in order to keep expanding our expertise and products and offer our customers new, innovative possibilities as well as current trends of logistics & digitalization

Customer orientation

We offer the flexibility, quality, and management attention that normally only come from small providers. At the same time, we offer the size, range of services, and financial security that customers need for large projects.

End-2-end examination

Our comprehensive approach and integrated observation and implementation expertise in supply chain management, logistics, and supplier management as well as in intralogistics enable us to fully exploit the potential of Logistics 4.0.


The basis for a successful project is to work together as partners. We work every day to offer the best solutions and consulting services. This is an ambitious goal that we can only achieve in close cooperation with our customers.


Does fairness slow down progress toward a goal? We believe just the opposite. We obligate ourselves to a culture of fairness with regard to our colleagues, our customers, and our environment.

Your Contact

Portrait of Markus Hoff, Senior Consultant at valantic

Markus Hoff

Managing Consultant
valantic Supply Chain Excellence

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