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SMART SuccessFactors: HR solution for medium-sized companies

SMART SuccessFactors is a fully integrated HR software with seamless end-to-end processes for small and medium-sized companies. The solution is characterized by short project durations.

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According to a study by IDG Research Services & UKG, more than 50% of all small to medium-sized companies in German-speaking countries do not have a holistic HR solution that bundles all central HR processes. Even today, too many HR departments still spend almost half of their working time on administrative tasks – there is a lack of time for strategic HR work.

The HR department is a key component in driving the digital transformation forward. With SuccessFactors, SAP offers leading global HR software that enables processes to be displayed seamlessly. However, fully-featured HR software of this size often seems oversized for small and medium-sized companies due to the issues of financing and project resources required. Not all software modules or functions are always required and there is a need for a compact solution. For this reason, valantic has developed the SMART SuccessFactors solution with the concentrated know-how of HR consultants and in close cooperation with our partner SAP – the answer for all “small” companies looking for a “big solution”.

Fully integrated HR software with seamless end-to-end processes: SMART SuccessFactors

In times of a lack of specialists, digital transformation is sometimes slowed down by the fact that no resources can be assigned to long implementation projects. Although it is precisely this transformation that is urgently needed in order to make resources available for strategic HR work and relieve the burden in the long term.

For this reason, SMART SuccessFactors offers the option of customizing time availability and requirements. Customers determine the speed of implementation themselves and can largely carry out the implementation themselves with the help of our SMART guides and the support of our experts. This saves time and budget for strategic alignment.

Hire-to-retire: support along the employee life cycle

digram of employee lifecycle with SMART SuccessFactors

SMART SuccessFactors offers a complete HR system that meets individual customer requirements.

Including an integrated personnel record, seamless end-to-end processes are possible without system disruptions. From the search for suitable applicants and the optimal onboarding of new colleagues to daily tasks related to contractual changes and absence management.

SMART SuccessFactors also enables the simple promotion of employee loyalty and greater efficiency and effectiveness through structured employee reviews and feedback functions – employees are supported along the entire employee life cycle and HR is supported in all areas of HR work.

SMART SuccessFactors Oberfläche vom Organigramm des Unternehmens

Company overview with SMART SuccessFactors

SMART SuccessFactors offers a holistic overview of the organization, whether it’s an overview of the company structure, a staff organization structure or an overview of vacancies and planned positions. All the required information is available centrally in one place in the system and, thanks to real-time data synchronization, with up-to-date data any time.

Portrait of Marcela Falahati, Head of SAP SuccessFactors at valantic people

Marcela Falahati
Head of SAP SuccessFactors

”With this solution, we offer small and medium-sized companies the opportunity to benefit from the advantages of SAP SuccessFactors in a compact form, without large implementation costs.“

Working late in a small office

Simplified employee management

The personal profile enables a central overview where all data about an employee is brought together. This includes contractual and organizational information as well as personal data and current performance reviews. The authorization concept at field level with the highest security standards prevents unauthorized access. The “Spotlight” also provides a quick overview of the most important data on an employee. Including the option to make data changes directly and, if required, initiate release processes for changes.

Integrated personnel record: SaaS solution valantic workdocs HR

Oberfläche von valantic workdocs HR

Another highlight of SMART SuccessFactors is the fully integrated cloud personnel record valantic workdocs HR. The cloud-only Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution is the perfect addition for end-to-end processes.

With cloud document management, personnel documents and data can be managed easily, quickly and digitally. All HR-relevant documents, whether application documents, employment contracts or references, can be viewed and edited by employees with just one click. This means that employees are always up to date without any time loss.

Long signature processes are also eliminated, as the valantic workdocs HR solution includes electronic signatures from simple to qualified signatures from the beginning. valantic workdocs HR offers automatic updating and archiving of documents that are triggered by SAP SuccessFactors. Easy to find: with just one click through full-text search, filtering and sorting.

Add-ons and customizations of SMART SuccessFactors

The package is based on proven best practices and takes advantage of harmonized processes and functions. This saves time during implementation and the cross-suite dependencies are conceptually considered.

Nevertheless, our package offers scope for add-ons and customization. For this reason, you can choose from our portfolio of SMART add-ons. There are suitable solutions for all requirements – from “ready-to-use” packages that can be transferred directly to the customer instance, to individualized pre-configurations that are tailored to customer requirements through individual consulting, to support for all other issues that may arise during the transformation process.


Do you want to map other processes in the system or have requirements for additional functionalities, for example in the area of time management? Choose your SMART add-ons from our product portfolio!

Individualized pre-configurations

Are your requirements specific and need to be tailored to your needs? Benefit e.g. from our best practices as a basis for mapping tariffs and find your desired result with individual advice.

Support for other requirements

In addition, to implementing all features in the system, we are also glad to support you with other issues that you need to master during your transformation. For example, when it comes to change management or training concepts.

Your contact for questions about SMART SuccessFactors

Portrait of Marcela Falahati, Head of SAP SuccessFactors at valantic people

Marcela Falahati

Head of SAP SuccessFactors
valantic people

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