The road to a data-focused organisation

Master Data Management

Insufficient master data can cause disruptions in the business process with serious consequences for companies. valantic uses strategic master data management to create a quality-assured basis for efficient business processes, future business models and the digital transformation of your business.

Shot of a young businesswoman using a digital tablet at work

The road to a data-driven organisation

Do you know the quality of your most significant process-driving or process-controlling master data?

The rapidly proceeding digitalisation and the increasing activities in the area of Industry 4.0 require not only the latest IT applications and IT structures, such as cloud applications, but also a solid master data basis for successful implementation in companies. However, many companies are still a long way from achieving this, as they are unable to realise their full potential in day-to-day business due to incorrect and inconsistent data. Through structured and effective data management, companies are able to utilise an enormous, often underestimated efficiency potential.

Do you know how often master data is entered twice or corrections have to be made?

Eine Tabelle veranschaulicht Datenfehler wie Darstellungsprobleme, Inkonsistenzen, fehlende Werte, Duplikate, falsche Einträge, Fehler in der referenziellen Integrität und Tippfehler in persönlichen Informationsfeldern im Rahmen der Stammdatenverwaltung.

Incorrect, duplicate or incomplete data is just one of today’s challenges in the area of master data:

Data silos and fragmentation

In many companies, master data is stored in different systems and departments in isolation, often due to historically grown IT infrastructures. This leads to:

  • Inconsistent data: Inconsistent or incomplete master data in different systems makes it difficult to establish a ‘single source of truth’.
  • Incorrect analyses: Fragmented data impairs analyses and reports, as different departments access different data bases.

Data governance and compliance

Increasing regulatory requirements (e.g. GDPR) and the need for transparent and secure data utilisation pose challenges for companies:

  • Data control: It must be ensured that only authorised persons have access to sensitive master data and that it is managed correctly.
  • Compliance: Companies must adhere to guidelines and standards for data management in order to fulfil legal requirements.

Integration and interoperability

With digitalisation and the use of different applications and systems (ERP, CRM, etc.), the seamless integration of master data across different platforms is a major challenge:

  • Cross-system consistency: master data must be synchronised and up-to-date in all connected systems.
  • Heterogeneous system landscapes: Old and new technologies must work together harmoniously, which often requires costly and complex integration projects.

Data migration and consolidation

During mergers, takeovers or the introduction of new systems, companies are often faced with the challenge of migrating large amounts of master data:

  • Data cleansing: Before migration, existing data must be cleansed, duplicates removed and consistency established.
  • Consolidation of different data structures: Different systems often have different data models and formats, which makes the consolidation of master data more difficult.

Customer data and personalisation

The increasing expectation of personalised customer experiences requires precise and up-to-date management of customer master data:

  • 360-degree view of the customer: Companies need a holistic view of their customers in order to provide personalised offers and services.
  • Data linking: It is challenging to aggregate customer data from different sources (online, offline, CRM, social media) and utilise it in a meaningful way.

A strategic and practised master data management

Prerequisite for optimised business processes and reliable forecasts

From delays in operational processes and resource commitment due to time-consuming troubleshooting to questionable, fuzzy analyses for business decisions. A solid database in IT applications is the prerequisite for the future-proof and competitive further development of companies.

Ein Pyramidendiagramm, das Datenebenen darstellt: Hohe Datenqualität, gepaart mit genauen Daten und Informationen durch robustes Stammdatenmanagement, gipfelt in aussagekräftigen Berichten und Analysen und ebnet den Weg für fundierte Entscheidungen.

Strategic master data management enables the transparent and consistent consolidation of all of a company’s master data in one place, the so-called ‘single point of truth’.

The aim of master data management is to create a quality-assured basis for efficient business processes, fast and transparent corporate decisions and future-proof, innovative and competitive business models, thereby becoming an enabler of digital transformation.

Business partnership coworkers using a tablet to analysis graph company financial budget report and cost work progress and planning for future in office room.

The far-reaching benefits of strategic master data management are obvious:

  • Secure and targeted management of the company based on high-quality data
  • Efficient utilisation of continuously growing data volumes through consistent data integration in processes and IT systems
  • Goal-oriented collaboration between different business units, locations and partner companies due to comprehensive and harmonised data exchange
  • Increased process digitalisation and automation with clear data structures
  • Fulfilment of compliance requirements through detailed and documented evidence

valantic as your partner offers you…

  • transparency about the status quo of your master data management through a comprehensive maturity assessment.
  • …the derivation of customised recommendations for action specifically for your company.
  • …the identification and prioritisation of opportunities for improvement and optimisation.
  • …a well-proven approach and customised methodology for implementation by consultants with many years of experience.

Maturity assessment for your Master Data Management

Our well-proven and constantly enhanced process model covers all relevant fields of action in master data management and, through the use of our Maturity Assessment Model, makes it possible to categorise the company into different maturity levels. This in turn allows statements to be made about the efficient utilisation of master data as a company asset. As a concrete result, valantic develops individual recommendations for action for your company for each success factor and presents you with concepts for their implementation.

This in turn enables statements to be made about the efficient utilisation of master data as a company asset. As a concrete result, valantic develops individual recommendations for action for your company for each success factor and presents you with concepts for their implementation.


Woman making a business presentation in a meeting at a creative office and pointing to her team her business plan


Essential factors and hallmarks of successful data initiatives

White Paper: With a Holistic Data Strategy to Efficient Data Management


With a Holistic Data Strategy to Efficient Data Management

This white paper shows how strategic data management paves the way to a data-driven company, as well as the concrete added value it offers.


Your Contact

Petra Wagner, Lead Consultant, valantic Management Consulting

Petra Wagner

Expert Consultant

valantic GmbH

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