Mastering IT challenges

IT Transformation

valantic supports clients in their IT transformation, such as IT carve-outs, post-merger integration, and turnarounds.

Male IT Specialist Holds Laptop and Discusses Work with Female Server Technician. They're Standing in Data Center, Rack Server Cabinet is Open. | Business Analytics

Reliable and experienced advisor to investors

We are one of the leading consulting firms regarding IT challenges in M&A and private equity transactions. In more than 250 transactions, we have successfully mastered challenges in carve-outs, post-merger integrations, management of IT crises and IT turnarounds, as well as software and infrastructure projects. Our approach is based on a proven set of methods and tools that ensure successful results – even in transactions under high time pressure.

IT Strategy and Roadmap

The continuous alignment of IT with strategic business goals brings crucial competitive advantages. Together with the IT leadership team, we clarify digitalization initiatives, resilient enterprise architecture, sourcing options, governance & compliance and security. Implementation measures are planned in a concise and reliable roadmap.

Shot of two professional coworkers using a digital tablet together at work

IT Carve-out

Separating small sites up to internationally operating divisions of a few hundred to many thousand employees from global groups and large corporations and ensuring their technical and organizational independence is one of our specialties. We take full responsibility for all IT-related aspects and report directly to the management and shareholders of the investment. Based on a pragmatic discovery phase, we develop carve-out concepts and roadmaps, design the target operating model, source appropriate services for operations, and manage the transition to a stable FMO. Our well-coordinated team has the experience of more than 50 projects within short TSA phases and budgets but without a noticeable business impact.

IT Post-Merger Integration (PMI)

Business cases for buy-and-build strategies and classic mergers are based not only on a joint offering and synergies, but also on the “ability to execute” and, thus, the massive need for IT to support transformation projects. From merging ERP systems and standardizing application landscapes to harmonizing a shared IT infrastructure, promoting collaboration, and reducing operating costs, we develop PMI concepts, find suitable project partners and manage all IT aspects as part of overarching integration programs. This also includes the development of a target operating model and a suitable IT governance and organization to ensure the project and crisis capability of IT.

Over the shoulder view: Two Developer Computer programmer working together. Coding on laptop computer at home office.

IT Security and Darknet Monitoring

Cyber attacks threaten the very existence of companies, e.g., production comes to a standstill, deliveries, payments, and access to own systems or data are no longer possible. In addition to the financial impact, damage is also caused by the disclosure of internal data, such as intellectual property, business secrets of partners, confidential data of staff, etc.
Constantly increasing IT security and improving user awareness is essential to reduce the risk of major damage. Together we agree on preventive measures and complement them with a kind of “early warning system” in the form of our Darknet Monitoring, which can detect and break the “supply chain” of an attack. A 24/7 Fast Response Team supports defense and recovery against ransomware and data extraction attacks.

Person, die auf ein Smartphone schaut, auf dem ein Warenkorb mit "Buy Now" abgebildet ist | Skalierbare SAP Onlinehandel Plattform für Wachstum im E-Commerce cs4Commerce

CRM / ERP / eCommerce

New software architectures hold massive potential. However, the path to the ERP or CRM, the logistics or eCommerce solution of the future is risky. Starting from the business and IT strategy, we jointly define processes and requirements, select the appropriate solution, incl. an implementation partner, secure our clients’ interests in a set of contracts matured from over 20 years of experience, and manage the realization up to the successful go-live.

Two businessmen in conversation looking at a tablet

IT-Sourcing and Future Mode of Operation

Digital transformation changes the demand on a company’s IT infrastructure and delivery models. Traditional system landscapes are evolving into hybrid multi-cloud architectures. Agility should be high, costs low, and “time to market” short. Modern IT teams are reducing the manufacturing depth and evolving from the “machine room” to the “broker” of flexible and low-cost services. These are produced and integrated according to the requirements from public cloud constructs of hyper scalers, from private clouds of suitable service providers, or from their own environments. We support clients in the selection process and ensure that IT sourcing becomes their value driver.

Picture of hands on a laptop keyboard.

IT Governance and Organization

Continuous alignment of IT with strategic business goals brings decisive competitive advantages. Together with the IT leadership team, we clarify digitalization initiatives and create resilient enterprise architectures, sourcing options, governance & compliance, and security. On this basis, we develop organizational models closely aligned with the strategy and business requirements to ensure the robust, reliable, and high-performance operation of IT services and the continuous support of innovation and transformation through adequate project capability.

Your contacts for IT Transformation

Stephan Herteux, Director and Member of the Executive Board at valantic Management Consulting GmbH

Stephan Herteux

Managing Director

valantic Division Digital Strategy & Analytics

  • IT M&A
  • IT & Digital Strategy
  • IT Delivery Model & Sourcing
  • IT Infrastructure Transformation
Portrait of Daniel Krzyzak, Executive Director at valantic Management Consulting GmbH

Daniel Krzyzak

Partner & Managing Director

valantic Division Digital Strategy & Analytics

  • Enterprise IT
  • IT Infrastructure
  • IT Carve Out
  • IT PMI
A smiling person with glasses and a beard is wearing a white shirt against a plain background.

Thomas Lang

Partner & Managing Director

valantic Division Digital Strategy & Analytics

  • Cyber Security
  • Breach Coaching
  • Crisis Management
  • Emergency Drills