For a 360-degree view of the customer

SAP Sales Cloud

Valantic advocates a holistic approach to customer needs. Our choice for optimal sales support is SAP Sales Cloud—a comprehensive CRM solution. Explore its features and benefits, and discover why valantic excels as the ideal partner for efficient CRM with SAP Sales Cloud.

Photo of the valantic CX team Mannheim brainstorming.

Ideal support for digitalized sales: What exactly is the SAP Sales Cloud?

In a nutshell, the SAP Sales Cloud (formerly SAP Hybris, Cloud for Customer, C4C) is a cloud-based CRM solution. It helps companies to act faster and more efficiently, become more relevant, be present, and sell more.

To this end, the SAP Sales Cloud connects various processes along the entire value chain. It thus becomes the central system for all relevant data, activities and measures of digitally supported sales. The result: a uniform and comprehensive view of the end customer.

Good to know: The SAP Sales Cloud can be seamlessly integrated with other SAP CX Solutions products such as the SAP Analytics Cloud or SAP ERP. Integration with non-SAP applications is possible as well.

An older man working on his laptop and reaching for his smartphone – electric guitars can be seen in the background.

What are the benefits of the SAP Sales Cloud?

Benefits for sales & end customers

Let’s start with a few facts (source: SAP):

  • 50 % of customers have already made purchase decisions before they come into contact with the sales department.
  • Up to 90 % of B2B buyers deviate from traditional buying behavior.
  • Over 73 % of consumers want a personalized shopping experience.

What do these numbers tell us? That new ways are needed to engage end customers. And that customer relationship management (CRM) has become a key tool for business success. 35 % more revenue and 119 % pipeline growth are compelling numbers from SAP that underscore this statement – and illustrate how using the SAP Sales Cloud can benefit your business.

Benefits for the sales department

Understand, engage, deliver – and do it all with one system. The integrated approach of the SAP Sales Cloud benefits your sales force in a number of ways:

  • maximized customer lifetime value
  • more efficient forecasts and analyses through optimal evaluation of all data
  • more up- and cross-selling opportunities
  • stronger networking for collaboration within the team but also with customer companies
  • high user acceptance
  • greater customer satisfaction
  • increased sales
Zwei valantic-CX-Mitarbeiter*innen, die zusammen auf einem Sofa sitzen und in ein Customer-Experience-Präsentation an einem Laptop anschauen.

Benefits for the end customer

How do end customers benefit from the SAP Sales Cloud? There are many impressive advantages, including:

  • more in-depth support from sales staff, who become “trusted advisors”
  • personalized, i.e. precisely tailored offers (configure price quote)
  • acceleration of the buying process – among other things, through better and faster communication

All in all, the SAP Sales Cloud offers your customers an improved customer experience with significant added value.

Photo of young smiling woman working at PC.

What functionalities does the SAP Sales Cloud come with?

Concentrated power for optimal customer service

  • cloud deployment
    If you work with the desktop version of the SAP Sales Cloud, you don’t need your own hardware. Quarterly automatic updates ensure that the CRM system is always up to date.
  • pipeline and forecast management
    Evaluations are generated in real time and displayed graphically on an individual basis. This saves time and shortens the sales cycle.
  • quote generation and pricing
    For complex products with many configuration options, SAP CPQ can be seamlessly integrated into the SAP Sales Cloud.
  • optimized mobile use – both on and offline
  • sales automation
    There are various ways to automate sales with the SAP Sales Cloud. These include, for instance, price recommendations, up- and cross-selling recommendations, or performance histories.
  • incentives and rewards for sales reps


Sounds great, but does it work? Our reference projects provide a clear answer to that.

Because we love challenges Intelligent sales with the SAP Sales Cloud

Artificial intelligence and automation are also increasingly being used in digitalized sales – and valantic has been following this development for some time now. The trend is gradually going away from gut feeling to so-called intelligent sales.

Why are we telling you this? The SAP Sales Cloud offers quite a few possibilities in this area. It is capable of doing more than a “simple” CRM can. It boasts integrated intelligences and automated processes through machine learning functionalities, for example. This includes “deal and lead intelligence” or forecasts.

The big advantage: This saves sales staff valuable time that they would otherwise have needed for manual evaluation. In addition, they can rely on tangible data and facts – dependably processed by the system. SAP Sales Cloud Intelligence thus creates better insights, transparency and structure in all your sales processes.

Help, my sales team doesn’t use CRM!

Just because you have a CRM system doesn’t mean that it will be used

Help, my sales team doesn’t use CRM!
Help, my sales team doesn’t use CRM!

Help, we’re running after the wrong sales opportunities!

How a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system can support sales success

Help, we’re running after the wrong sales opportunities!
Help, we’re running after the wrong sales opportunities!

Insights into different industries SAP Sales Cloud: special topics

Retail execution, route optimization or property management: The SAP Sales Cloud can be used to digitally support various sales tasks.

Retail execution & route optimization

At valantic, we are convinced: Intelligent applications significantly drive the transformation of your sales management. For example, SAP Sales Cloud Retail Execution supports the planning, execution and analysis of all activities in stationary retail:

Find out more about SAP Sales Cloud Retail Execution

Property management

valantic property management is a strategic sales tool – and a further development of the SAP Sales Cloud for the specific requirements of the construction industry. It is based on SAP Standard and can be extended as needed to meet individual requirements.

The life cycle of long-term projects or existing buildings can be tracked and easily documented. Complete documentation and consistent information for all parties involved make it particularly easy to tap revenue potential in the property business. This makes valantic property management the perfect tool for companies that manage properties on a long-term basis:

  • building suppliers (building materials and building trade)
  • construction companies and construction service providers
  • sanitary, heating and air conditioning companies
  • service providers in the property business (facility management)

The most important functionalities and advantages at a glance:

  • on- and offline mobile use
  • 360-degree view of all sales projects through central data management
  • management and documentation of a building project from tendering through construction to modernization, etc.
  • uncovering and exploiting sales potentials
  • fully taking advantage of cross-selling opportunities


You can find more information on valantic property management in the flyer below.

Junge Frau präsentiert Projetkidee an einem White Board.
Zwei elements-Mitarbeiter*innen checken eine Auswahl an Influencer*innen und Content Creators.
Zwei valantic Austria Mitarbeiterinnen beim Auswerten einer CRO-Analyse.
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Drei Mitarbeiter der Full-Service-Agentur valantic Austria, die einen Erfolg zusammen feiern.

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Andreas Haas - Manager New Business at valantic CX

Andreas Haas

"Guten Tag" from Mannheim

+49 152 2265 0514

Portrait of Martin Schmutz, valantic CX, Customer Experience

Martin Schmutz

“Grüezi” from St. Gallen

+41 71 313 55 70

Portrait von Nemanja Vojinovic, valantic CX

Nemanja Vojinovic

"Servus" from Wien

+43 664 5355 237

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