More efficiency thanks to integrated systems

System Integration

Do you want to combine different systems to create a stable and effective system landscape? SAP or non-SAP: We are experienced in these kinds of projects and create an overall solution that will impress you and your end customers. System integration by valantic? It just doesn’t get any better than that!

Picture of a valantic CX employee explaining current data of a customer journey to his colleague on the laptop.

The goal: a stable overall solution Technical integration of different systems

We believe that if the end customer does not experience the technical complexity of a project, we have done a good job.

Planning the technical integration of different systems and turning them into an effective and efficient overall solution: That’s the daily business of our experienced software architects and developers. Without bottlenecks and redundancies.

Modern digital platforms can be connected very well to adjacent systems via the right interfaces – for instance, with Payment, PIM, DAM, CRM or ERP. Precise interface requirements are therefore a prerequisite for stable system integration. Integrating these interfaces optimally requires well-coordinated teamwork.

System integration via ESB

What an enterprise service bus can do

The more complex the system landscape and the more systems are in use, the more important the use of an enterprise service bus (ESB). In simple terms: a data hub. With an ESB, data can be exchanged centrally between different systems – via various interface standards and formats. Data can be normalized and processed to the target systems. In addition, the ESB centrally consolidates feedback from the connected systems, which simplifies monitoring.

Photo of a meeting with several people.

Challenges of older systems

… and how valantic solves them

In reality, significantly limited systems are often still used alongside modern systems with open interfaces. Older systems in particular are usually not designed for the requirements of e-commerce. One challenge, for example, is when only asynchronous import and export options are available. Or in the provision of a customer-specific price in real time. In our work, we rely on the extensive know-how of our employees and find practical and resilient solutions.

Photo of a man with glasses looking at a computer screen.

Advantages of system integration by valantic

We understand your system

There are at least seven good reasons that speak for system integration by valantic:

  • more efficiency thanks to the automation of business processes
  • faster order throughput times
  • monitoring of core processes
  • a possible modular exchange of individual systems
  • avoidance of data redundancies
  • increase in data validity
  • scaling of your system landscape


Let us identify the unique challenges of your system and specify the requirements of your project!

Junge Frau präsentiert Projetkidee an einem White Board.
Zwei elements-Mitarbeiter*innen checken eine Auswahl an Influencer*innen und Content Creators.
Zwei valantic Austria Mitarbeiterinnen beim Auswerten einer CRO-Analyse.
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Drei Mitarbeiter der Full-Service-Agentur valantic Austria, die einen Erfolg zusammen feiern.

We know how system integration works

Just give us a call!

Daniel Franz

Daniel Franz

"Hallo" from Siegen

+49 271 233701 14

Portrait of Martin Schmutz, valantic CX, Customer Experience

Martin Schmutz

“Grüezi” from St. Gallen

+41 71 313 55 70

Or tell us what you have in mind