Fully automated testing

Automated E2E Regression Testing

E-commerce challenges with expanding testing efforts, prolonged regression testing, and tight time-to-market? The solution is valantic’s testing automation, streamlining processes for efficient outcomes.

Photo of three valantic CX colleagues drinking coffee on the terrace.

Why do automated E2E regression tests?

Automated regression tests are designed to ensure the stability and functionality of features. That means: We perform these tests to ensure as far as possible that existing key features don’t get negatively influenced or damaged by new features. Sounds important? It is – and a topic that we at valantic devote ourselves to with full commitment every day.

What are the potential risks if no automatic E2E regression tests are performed?

  • Key features can be damaged if the software is modified.
  • Compatibility problems with existing features or plugins can remain undetected.
  • Product quality continuously decreases because key features are not tested regularly.
  • New features lead to the possibility that existing main functionalities can suddenly become faulty.
valantic CX test creation

Test design, test execution, reporting – fully automated, by valantic

In the area of test automation, we test your store using automated test cases – from individual test cases to specific APIs to complete user journeys. Our many years of experience with automated test procedures ensure that tests are designed, executed and evaluated quickly and efficiently. What’s more, we operate on the basis of an approach in which test design, test execution and reporting form a kind of continuous cycle.

By the way: We will find out which strategy is the right one for you as part of our consulting services.

What are the advantages of automated E2E regression testing?

sustainably increased software quality and, as a consequence, lower troubleshooting and debugging costs, as well as a lower risk of other additional costs

reduced manual testing efforts, which lowers costs in the long run

fewer disturbed key features in the productive system

significantly increased test speed

faster feedback to developers about so-called broken features

high security for software updates

Our success story showcase what this type of testing can look like in practice.

Our success stories showcase what this type of testing can look like in practice:

Quality Assurance? Absolutely!

Just give us a call!

Michael Blum

Michael Blum


Junge Frau präsentiert Projetkidee an einem White Board.
Zwei elements-Mitarbeiter*innen checken eine Auswahl an Influencer*innen und Content Creators.
Zwei valantic Austria Mitarbeiterinnen beim Auswerten einer CRO-Analyse.
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Drei Mitarbeiter der Full-Service-Agentur valantic Austria, die einen Erfolg zusammen feiern.