“Pandora's box”

System evaluation – selection process of a PIM solution

Currently, there are more than 140 PIM systems (product information management systems), which have to be classified differently. This doesn’t exactly make system evaluation easy. But don’t worry – our valantic crew is here to help!

Man with glasses looking at a computer screen.

There is a wide range of PIM solution providers, so it’s easy to get lost in the variety of functionalities and services. Software providers and project integrators advertise with seemingly identical, yet mostly different offers. In addition to how hard it is to compare them, you also need to take into account the individual needs of your company. Not every PIM system is able to fulfill all the requirements.

For instance, the initial situations may differ: Are you replacing an existing solution or introducing a completely new PIM system? You’ll quickly realize that the deeper you delve into the PIM selection process, the more complex the task becomes.

Challenges in the evaluation process

Take us with you on your journey

Many questions and factors need to be considered in the evaluation process of your system. Of course, you can start this journey on your own. However, our experience shows that this is enormously resource-intensive, and all too often aspects are only considered partially and in isolation. Furthermore, the view from the outside is usually missing. Without the necessary PIM expertise, companies are often faced with a major challenge. That’s why you should rely on expert knowledge in this important decision and save valuable resources. How? By taking us with you on your journey.

Photo of a computer screen showing a valantic CX presentation on digital strategy & analytics.

Your reliable sparring partner Software evaluation by valantic

With valantic as your sparring partner, you will not only find a PIM system that fits your requirements profile. You’ll also get a complete solution that perfectly complements your digitalization strategy.

Our needs-based software evaluation process accompanies you from the initial idea to the final decision – and beyond if you wish. We’ll work together to create your individual requirements profile. We take into account your initial situation, your goals and your strategy. We accompany and advise you in the selection of possible software providers and moderate the presentation phases for you.

Our software-supported evaluation process, along with other factors, forms a sustainable basis for your decision. During the entire process, we focus on people – because, at the end of the day, projects are carried out by people and in teams.

System evaluation and so much more

The expert by your side

We at valantic understand and listen to you. We speak the language of our clients and have a very pragmatic approach. What exactly will you benefit from? Our 360-degree customer experience approach as well as:

  • standardized methods adapted to your needs
  • permanent transparency of the selection process
  • system-agnostic support
  • many years of in-depth expertise in PIM-related topics
  • an outside view on your digitalization strategy
  • people who look forward to working with you
Junge Frau präsentiert Projetkidee an einem White Board.
Zwei elements-Mitarbeiter*innen checken eine Auswahl an Influencer*innen und Content Creators.
Zwei valantic Austria Mitarbeiterinnen beim Auswerten einer CRO-Analyse.
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Drei Mitarbeiter der Full-Service-Agentur valantic Austria, die einen Erfolg zusammen feiern.

Do you need assistance with system evaluation?

Just give us a call!

Marco Kahler

Marco Kahler

"Hallo" from Siegen

+49 175 4172654

Portrait of Martin Schmutz, valantic CX, Customer Experience

Martin Schmutz

“Grüezi” from St. Gallen

+41 71 313 55 70

Portrait of Markus Gorga, valantic CX

Markus Gorga

"Servus" from Dornbirn

+49 172 7317164

Or tell us what you have in mind