How to successfully integrate PIM systems

PIM Implementation

Companies relying on Excel, Access, and ERP for product data communication find their data falls short in the digitized market. Discover valantic’s PIM implementation for improved quality, availability, and sustainability of your product data.

Photo from a valantic CX meeting attended by three men and one woman. All people are sitting around a table.

Nowadays, product information must be delivered to web stores, catalogs, marketplaces and portals as well as to e-procurement systems within the shortest possible time, without errors and consistently. In this context, more and more companies are opting for product information management systems, or PIM systems for short.

In doing so, they are following the idea of a single, reliable data source (Single Source of Truth, SSoT). And the desire to design product data and communication structures in such a way that sales channels can be populated efficiently and ad-hoc. But what exactly will the introduction of a PIM solution in your company entail?

Project success thanks to valantic PIM implementation by professionals

There is no standard procedure for implementing a PIM project. The result and the individual steps always depend on the framework conditions and the requirements of the respective client company. For instance, the initial situations for a PIM project range from replacing an existing but unsatisfactory PIM solution to integrating a PIM system for the first time.

Depending on how far along you are in your planning, we will support you selectively or take over the entire integration for you.

Roughly speaking, a PIM integration is divided into the following interrelated project phases:

Throughout the entire process – from installation and configuration of the PIM system to data maintenance and go-live – valantic is your point of contact and sparring partner. In addition to training and coaching, we also offer individual support packages to support you throughout the entire lifecycle of your PIM system.

Guaranteeing the success of your PIM implementation

Close collaboration

valantic supports you and your employees in the achievement of the defined milestones throughout the various project phases. To this end, we put together a project team of proven and certified experts for each project: senior consultants, technical consultants, media consultants, trainers, and project managers. They keep track of everything for you and offer you professional and financial security in all project phases. In addition, we provide you with a single point of contact for all PIM-related topics.

Are you looking for a quick solution, and a full project integration seems too far away at this point? We’d be happy to guide you on a selection of possible products and to further specify the details with you later (minimum viable product). We’ll tackle individual larger topics together with you in the form of smaller packages and prototypes. You tell us what you need, and we’ll find the optimal solution for your requirements.

In short: Together, we’ll make your company fit for a digital future that will also benefit your customers.

Not to be underestimated The human factor in PIM projects

In PIM projects, the human factor is often underestimated. At valantic, we believe that successful projects are implemented between people. The best tool is of no use if the people on the project do not work on its success together. With our many years of expertise in the field of project integration, we handle projects with special care and sensitivity, even and especially if challenging situations arise.

Junge Frau präsentiert Projetkidee an einem White Board.
Zwei elements-Mitarbeiter*innen checken eine Auswahl an Influencer*innen und Content Creators.
Zwei valantic Austria Mitarbeiterinnen beim Auswerten einer CRO-Analyse.
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Martin Schmutz

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+41 71 313 55 70

Portrait of Markus Gorga, valantic CX

Markus Gorga

"Servus" from Dornbirn

+49 172 7317164

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