For the perfect presentation of your content

Content Management Solutions

There are many ways of efficiently managing content – and we at valantic know them all. Multichannel publishing, content commerce or content entry and maintenance: Together, we get the best out of your content!

zwei valantic Mitarbeiter schauen gemeinsam auf einen Bildschirm

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Content Commerce

Integrating content into the purchasing process

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Multichannel Publishing

A holistic perspective on the customer experience

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What does content management mean? What it is for us and what it isn’t

Content management is a term that is frequently used – sometimes in different contexts. One possible definition is the effective storage, management and preparation of data and documents. What this can encompass certainly requires further explanation.

At valantic, we understand content management to mean the content-related structure of

  • individual content pages of a website or even
  • entire websites with text, images, videos and other design elements such as teasers.

Content management shouldn’t be confused with website development, front-end or web design. Only when the website has already been designed and built do our content managers come in. Always with the perfect user experience in mind. In other words, following the UI/UX design to optimally guide users through the website or individual content pages. The magic word: internal links.

Customized content management

Your wish is our command

The tasks in the area of content management are manifold – and to a large extent, they depend on the requirements of individual clients. With us, you don’t get run-of-the-mill solutions but a holistic approach to meet your specific needs in the best possible way.

That’s why we do not only manage complete websites, we …

  • optimize existing pages in terms of their structure and text.
  • carry out preparatory tasks such as the creation of the sitemap.
  • handle footer maintenance.
  • take care of relevant basic website settings in the background.
  • enter numerous languages.
  • and much more.

Would you like us to help you manage your content? We look forward to learning more about your project!

Contact us now!
Bild von drei jungen Frauen, die an einem Stehtisch mit Laptop ein kurzes Meeting abhalten.

Content management by valantic

Compared to digitalization agencies that offer individual services, our customers have a decisive advantage: The design, development, content creation and content management teams always work hand in hand at valantic. This has been the case for many years and has proven extremely successful. It allows us to create efficient and clean solutions that can do two things:

  1. make our customers happy and successful.
  2. inspire users by guiding them optimally through entire websites or individual content pages.
Photo of a valantic CX meeting room in Salzburg.

Especially convenient: Depending on your schedule and CMS system, we can enter the content while our developers are still working on the website, at least in phases. If that’s the case, we often also take care of testing the website and immediately initiate bug fixes, improvements, and minor further developments.

So who benefits from professional content management by valantic? If you ask us: Everyone! At least everyone …

  • who doesn’t want to (or is not able to) work with a CM system.
  • who doesn’t have the necessary in-house resources.
  • who wants to outsource smaller tasks – such as entering magazine articles, products or job offers – as part of an ongoing support agreement.

Interested in customized content management?

Just give us a call!

Daniel Franz

Daniel Franz

"Hallo" from Siegen

+49 271 233701 14

Portrait of Martin Schmutz, valantic CX, Customer Experience

Martin Schmutz

“Grüezi” from St. Gallen

Portrait of Georg Koch, valantic CX

Georg Koch

"Griaß eich" from Salzburg

Or tell us what you have in mind

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Picture of a woman working on the terrace with her laptop on her lap.
Picture of three colleagues looking at something on a smartphone during their coffee break.
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Photo of the modern break area of the valantic office Mannheim – a man sits casually on a bar stool and types on his smartphone.
Five colleagues during a meeting in a conference room with glass walls.
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