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valantic in Mannheim

Anyone who knows Mannheim loves it. Anyone who doesn’t know Mannheim yet probably thinks first about the “industrial city between the Rhine and the Neckar.” Not exactly the best advertisement. But the city is frequently underestimated: Both the university and the integrated Mannheim Business School have global reputations.

Photo of the modern break area of the valantic office Mannheim – a man sits casually on a bar stool and types on his smartphone.

Art and culture is writ large in “The City of Squares” (so called because its streets are laid out in a grid); there is a lot of nature in the Palatinate and Oden Forests, and Heidelberg is just around the corner. And Mannheim is also the city of sports: While the Rhine-Neckar “Lions” shine in handball and the “Eagles” in ice hockey, there are two dueling Bundesliga hockey leagues in Mannheim. Nearby, an outstanding track and field center keeps producing talented new athletes. And don’t forget: a tradition-rich soccer league, Bundesliga-quality tennis, two rowing clubs, and, and, and…you definitely won’t get bored in Mannheim.

The valantic office is in the heart of the city, directly next to the “squares” and therefore very close to the main train station and the city center. Your colleagues are – as befits the city – always ready for a round of bouldering, a hiking tour or a city run on the weekend. In the evenings, they also like to hang around together at the company’s own rooftop bar (with a view of the water tower, historic buildings, and the art museum) or play a few board games. You can look forward not only to the iconic people of the Palatinate, with their unique “Monnemer” slang, but also to a colorful mixture of employees who (have learned to) love Mannheim and its surroundings. It’s not without reason that Chris Cosmo sings: “In Mannheim you cry twice: once when you come, and once when you leave.”

Facts and figures about valantic Mannheim








Office dog


valantic-mannheim-kicker Photo of a young man working, looking at a comupter screen. Photo of a man talking to two female colleagues about a project. Photo of the foyer area of the valantic CX office in Mannheim. Photo taken in an office of valantic CX Mannheim Bild von einer modernen Office-Küche mit Graffiti-Verzierung an der Barfront, wo gerade ein Mann vorbeiläuft. meeting room in Mannheim with images on the wall and two guitars standing in the room Two individuals sit at desks in a modern office space, focused on their computer screens. One person is in the middle ground, and the other is blurred in the foreground.

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