Connected Planning brings high added value
Amann Girrbach had already engaged another consulting firm to set up a sales planning solution in Anaplan, however the results were unsatisfactory. Among other things, the performance of the calculations and forecasts was too slow, and the models incorporated did not correspond to proven best practices. valantic was called in, and, with its experienced Anaplan consultants, successfully turned the project around to meet Amann Girrbach’s needs.
For more than 40 years and two generations, Amann Girrbach has been working to advance the digital, restorative workflow in dentistry. Led with passion and a love of craftsmanship, the company is a preferred partner when it comes to mastering the digital transformation in dentistry.
At its production site in Voralberg’s Rhine Valley, the „Silicon Valley of the Alps“, Amann Girrbach is a pioneer of dental CAD/CAM technology, developing and producing products, solutions, and services that point the way to the future of digital dentistry. This includes new treatment methods and an innovative approach to collaboration: developing sophisticated workflow solutions in which software systems play a significant role. High-quality materials, strong technical service with a global helpdesk, and education and training courses round off the company’s offering.
Amann Girrbach creates a dental environment that improves connections between dental practices, dental laboratories, and practice laboratories around the world. And at the end of this well-coordinated process, the greatest reward awaits: the patient‘s smile.
A precise sales planning solution with forecasting, budgeting, and medium-term planning.
Consulting approach
A functioning, high-performance, and precise sales planning solution using Anaplan technology.
Customer benefits
Amann Girrbach is very satisfied, particularly with the high performance and connectivity of their integrated planning solution from Anaplan. Manual effort has reduced significantly.
A precise sales planning solution with forecasting, budgeting, and medium-term planning
Amann Girrbach had already engaged another consulting firm to set up a sales planning solution in Anaplan, however the results were unsatisfactory. Among other things, the performance of the calculations and forecasts was too slow, and the models incorporated did not correspond to proven best practices. valantic was called in, and, with its experienced Anaplan consultants, successfully turned the project around to meet Amann Girrbach’s needs.
Solutions and results in detail
More accurate sales and budget forecasts
Fast, efficient revenue planning
Predictive output/quantities for production
Amann Girrbach is very satisfied, particularly with the high performance and connectivity of their integrated planning solution from Anaplan. Manual effort has reduced significantly.
valantic‘s consultants stepped in when Amann Girrbach was unsatisfied with the results of another consulting firm’s Anaplan sales planning project implementation. Important business requirements were not met, and the system performance left a lot to be desired. Therefore, to restore the customer‘s confidence and set up an environment for successful project completion, valantic first needed to develop a goal-oriented plan with flexible project management. After taking stock of the planning module, the experienced consultants created milestones to work through sequentially. After each milestone, Amann Girrbach reserved the option to terminate the planning project if they were unsatisfied with how the requirements were met.
The milestone plan consisted of three phases: (1) forecast for the current fiscal year; (2) budget planning for the next year; and (3) medium-term planning (MIP) for future years. The goal was to enable Amann Girrbach‘s managers to plan sales per product and per region at various levels of granularity and time horizons, and to derive costs, revenue, and profitability from this information.
The sales planning project was jointly delivered by valantic and Amann Girrbach team members with the highest quality standards. And, due to the previous consulting firm’s shortcomings, the team faced an additional level of pressure to succeed.
„Several times a year, we plan the future months for the current year. The plan values of the past months are then replaced by actual values,“ says Petra Bernsteiner, Team Leader Controlling at Amann Girrbach, explaining the planning process. „First, the product managers plan top-down, either at the quantity or net sales level depending on the situation. Then the sales managers take over and plan the net sales per product group and country. Subsequently, the controlling department then makes any necessary adjustments,“ she continues.
valantic implemented all of Amann Girrbach‘s requirements and integrated proven best practices in Anaplan. These included, for example, more efficient data structures, a clearer arrangement of the individual modules, and the reduction of unnecessary complexity, which only slowed down performance. The valantic and Amann Girrbach teams also worked very well together to optimize business processes and calculation logics.
„We explained all of the technical and planning details in the clearest possible way,“ recalls Daniel Badura, project manager and senior consultant at valantic. „A good transfer of knowledge was critical. This has further strengthened Amann Girrbach‘s confidence in the planning software, while also enabling the customer‘s internal team to continue operating Anaplan independently after the project’s successful completion,“ he says.
„Despite a bumpy start with another consulting firm, the planning project with valantic was a complete success. We can now use this solution to plan our sales more efficiently, quickly, and precisely, and derive the required quantities for production,“ says Bernsteiner of Amann Girrbach.
The teams have already discussed follow-up projects, including an initial conversation on the topic of sales & operations (S&OP) planning, for which Anaplan also offers a proven solution and valantic has extensive expertise in project delivery.
Download Case Study "Amann Girrbach increases efficiency and performance of sales planning"
Marc Philipp
Partner & Managing Director