myThermoplan: The new Service-Portal from Thermoplan

Thermoplan stands for coffee experience par excellence. As one of the leading companies worldwide the swiss company produces premium fully automatic coffee machines for professional use. The hidden champion, amongst other things, supplies coffee machines to nearly 30,000 Starbucks cafés around the world. Also Nespresso is one of Thermoplan’s clients.

Happy young woman drinking a cup of tea or coffee in an autumn morning.

myThermoplan is a worldwide central communication platform for Thermoplan’s service and sales partners.

Thermoplan manages a global network of 5,000 service technicians. Periodic training programs allow these partners to become experts on the fully automatic coffee machines and be qualified for keeping the machines in good condition.

Initial situation

  • Rarely used and no longer up-to-date document platform
  • Lots of administrative effort required due to printed/analog course documents and certifications
  • New obstacles: Maintenance of Starbucks coffee machines can still only be performed by certified technicians

The goal

  • Information and news about Thermoplan available worldwide and 24/7
  • Provide trainings and issue certificates online
  • Distribute know-how to technicians via a single channel
  • Search for and access documents online
  • Establish documents as an integral component of the process landscape by integrating a coffee machine development system

Highlights: Dashboard

Individual tile view on the homepage

Content specific to authorisation profile

Highlights: Documents

Filter according to status: New, updated and already viewed documents. The status can also be viewed on the three tiles behind each document.

The integrated PDF viewers is compatible with all internet browsers. Information regarding updates in the header offers an immediate overview of changes to the document.

Find the desired section/topic quickly using the search function.

Generates a link to share this with colleagues via various different channels (e.g. e-mail, chat etc.).

Save the document in a personal favourites list with a single click for quick access next time.


Jump directly from myThermoplan to the Moodle-platform

Intuitive training tests and automatic certification


Starbucks coffee shops are provided with machines by Thermoplan


countries where Thermoplan is active


documents available on myThermoplan


target number of users on myThermoplan

The result

Modern, responsive design

Increased efficiency thanks to integration into process landscape

User-defined dashboard

Simple assistance for service technicians

Dashboard with single sign-on as central gateway to Thermoplan system landscape

E-learning platform: Training tests and automatic certification

Project schedule

  1. 1

    Strategy workshop

    • Visions created
    • User stories generated
    • Product-backlog prioritised
  2. 2

    Interviews and E-learning

    • Interviews carried out in 6 countries
    • Design prototype created
    • Moodle implemented
  3. 3


    • two proofs of concept (PoC) created
    • DMS connected
    • Service-Portal created
    • Hosting/system landscape set up
    • SSO-solution implemented
  4. 4


    • 1.200 users registern on the platform
    • 3.500 dokuments stored
Screenshots of myThermoplan - the new service portal of Thermoplan, on different devices, valantic reference
Bild von Philipp Achermann, Chief Digital Officer at Thermoplan, valantic Case Study Thermoplan

Philipp Ackermann
Chief Digital Officer, Thermoplan

”Thanks to a holistic, integrated approach to this project, and the work of valantic, we were able to conclude the project on time. The team put their blood, sweat and tears into the project, with a real passion for our business. As well as the many different functionalities, I was amazed above all by the design of the platform.“


Manufacturer of coffee machines


Spryker Commerce OS (Plattform), Keycloak (Single Sign On), Pro.File DMS system integration, Moodle (E-learning platform)


Strategy and vision development, concept, user experience and design (including carrying out interviews), technical implementation


October 2018: first strategy workshops
December 2018 onwards: Development/implementation
January 2019: E-learning goes live
July 2019: Go Live

Your Contact

Martin Schmutz, Sales Director bei valantic

Martin Schmutz

Sales Director


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