BBC Cellpack

Multi-plant planning with waySuite at BBC Cellpack

Supported by valantic, Behr Bircher BBC Cellpack Technology has optimized its logistics and value creation processes. New, transparent multi-plant planning facilitates the handling of stock transfer orders, optimizes stocks, and increases delivery reliability. The technological basis for this is waySuite for Sales & Operations Planning.

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New planning organization reduces inventory by 18%

With the support of valantic, Behr Bircher Cellpack BBC Technology has enhanced its logistics and value creation processes. The implementation of a new, transparent multi-plant planning system has simplified the management of stock transfer orders, optimized inventory levels, and improved delivery dependability. This was achieved using the waySuite for Sales & Operations Planning as the technological foundation.

The results at a glance

BBC Cellpack Technology uses wayRTS for multi-plant planning

Adherence to production deadlines has been increased greatly

Reduced paper and Excel-based administration costs

Easier to handle stock transfer orders and lower inventory

PowerBI is filled with wayRTS data and provides the management with prepared KPIs

Roger Bill COO BBC Cellpack Technology

Roger Bill
COO, Chief operating Officer at BBC Cellpack Technology and project manager

”Transparency and a database across the boundaries of the individual plants are the basis for efficient planning, with which parts are ultimately produced when they are needed. We have achieved our project goals completely in time and on budget – this has confirmed that valantic is the right partner and waySuite is the right software for this.“

The initial solution

BBC Cellpack Technology is a part of the BBC Group that specializes in the production of high-precision finished parts made of plastic or metal as individual parts or assemblies. The plastic production is located in the main plant in Villmergen, while machining is primarily done at the second Swiss location in Worben and in Valašské Meziříčí, Czech Republic. Production is state-of-the-art and largely automated but has so far been controlled by a cumbersome planning process with numerous Excel tools, manual data maintenance, and a lot of paper. Too many employees put too much work into planning that was prone to errors due to a lack of transparency and a common database.

Picture of an employee of BBC Cellpack Technology in front of a production part, valantic introduces multi-plant planning at Behr Bircher Cellpack BBC

Planning in wayRTS, feedback via wayMES

In a comprehensive optimization project, APS software wayRTS was first implemented in the Swiss locations and then also in the Czech Republic. Some of the individual planning levels are prepared centrally from the Villmergen location (customer order and master planning with availability tests, scenario planning, and interface to sales) for some planning areas, but there is also some decentralized planning (detailed planning including machine allocation, local optimization, capacity maintenance, feedback from machines). What was previously written down on paper in the locations and passed on at best once a day is now documented directly in the system so that it is generally available: In production, wayMES is used to provide timely feedback on production progress and material stocks and this information is passed on to planning. Reporting for management was automated in parallel with wayRTS using PowerBi.

Picture of two people at a table with planning documents, valantic introduces multi-plant planning at Behr Bircher Cellpack BBC

Exemplary project development

Management support, good change management, and a project manager at BBC Cellpack Technology who had previous experience with wayRTS and complex supply chain excellence projects ensured that the project ran efficiently. A big advantage was that only a few delivery times had to be added to the master data in SAP; otherwise it was perfectly suited for the implementation of a partially automated planning process. Language barriers were overcome and the conversion of the software to Unicode ensured that Czech language output was correct.

Roger Bill COO BBC Cellpack Technology

Roger Bill
COO, Chief operating Officer at BBC Cellpack Technology and project manager

”We profited from the first quick wins and the benefits of the new processes were felt very quickly. All backlogs have been processed; inventory has been reduced by 18%. Adherence to production deadlines was increased greatly. Escalations that previously occurred every day are now limited to a few exceptions, and we can see that the satisfaction of everyone involved in the process has increased greatly.“

About BBC Cellpack Technology

BBC Cellpack Technology Logo
Bild von einem Mitarbeiter der valantic Referenz BBC Cellpack Projektbesprechung für die effiziente Planung mit wayRTS

Since 1961, BBC Cellpack Technology has been a leading supplier in the machining and application of engineering plastics and metals. Our long-standing experience enables us to provide expert, comprehensive, and individualized customer advice. BBC Cellpack Technology helps customers develop products, from the idea to series production (design to cost). High-precision finished parts made of plastic or metal as individual parts or assemblies, chipping processing, surface finishing, assembly, and cleaning and packaging – BBC Cellpack Technology is a specialized all-in-one provider. The range of semi-finished plastic products is varied and there a wide range of products available directly in stock.

More information on:

Picture of an employee of BBC Cellpack Technology in front of a monitor, valantic introduces multi-plant planning at Behr Bircher Cellpack BBC Picture of three employees of BBC Cellpack Technology during the planning process, valantic introduces multi-plant planning at Behr Bircher Cellpack BBC Picture of two people at a table with planning documents, valantic introduces multi-plant planning at Behr Bircher Cellpack BBC Picture of an employee of BBC Cellpack Technology in front of a production part, valantic introduces multi-plant planning at Behr Bircher Cellpack BBC
Mockup_Reference multi plant planning waySuite BBC Cellpack EN

Success Story BBC Cellpack Technology

Simply save and read at any time: The free PDF provides all the details on the success story BBC Cellpack Technology and the multi-plant planning project with valantic waySuite .

Your Contact

Picture of Peter Grau, Vice President Customer Relationship Management, waySuite

Peter Grau

Vice President
valantic Supply Chain Excellence