For a professional and convenient presentation at the customer.

Mobile App for Hero sales advisors

Elegant design, latest technology: The digital companion for presentation and consulting at the customer. Implemented with Spryker technology.

Man and unrecognizable woman having business meeting in a cafe, using smartphones.

The Swiss traditional company Hero was established in 1886 and employs approximately 4300 people in 16 countries. The blue label with the white writing is a classic among Swiss brands and stands for “making fresh food tasty and long-lasting.” In Switzerland, the brand is also known for products that last a long time, ones that are especially suitable for gastronomy operations. Various other brands such as Schwartau and Corny belong to the Hero Group.

For the traditional company, the Competence Center Customer Engagement & Commerce Schweiz developed a custom mobile app for a mobile operating system. The app is fully integrated in the ERP and CRM and implemented with Spryker technology.

How does somebody use a solution?

With Contextual Inquiry to insights about usage.

Using Contextual Inquiry, the valantic Usability/UX expert examined how the sales advisors use the app: For half a day, the sales advisors were accompanied on their customer visits, queried, and examined:

  • How does the sales advisor interact with the customer?
  • How does he take orders?
  • How does he handle the existing presentation book app and the related systems (SAP CRM, Excel, etc.)?
  • The C.I. method shows habits and other behaviors which are difficult to describe in words. Since this methodology is not location-dependent, it can be used everywhere, whether in the office, in production, in the warehouse or in the car.

The most important insights from the contextual inquiry:

  • The presentation book is the most important instrument for the sales advisors.
  • The sales advisors should be able to access all information that supports sales immediately.

Fusion of function and design

The new mobile app is the perfect companion for the sales advisors.

Hero ADM App Surface, Screen Mobile App Verkaufsberater

Focus is on the product

With the newly-developed app, the focus is on the product – large, high-resolution and unique images immediately show which are the relevant products. Scrolling on the touchscreen is convenient and elegant for the advisor as well as for the customer.


Getting to the check-out in three steps

Optimal preparation for customer visits

  • Order history: What and how much has this customer purchased previously?
  • Reminder lists can be created before the customer visit
  • Data can be updated on an ongoing basis at any time (item & customer), the data is up-to-date even in case of spontaneous actions.

Professional presentation at the customer

  • Elegant design and convenient scrolling on the touchscreen
  • The most important is on the focus: The product
  • Current actions are displayed prominently
  • Display of preparation tips

Take orders quickly and efficiently

  • Forgotten products can be inserted after the fact
  • Split orders – depending on the desired delivery date
  • Orders go directly into the ERP and do not need to be entered separately, which saves sales advisors and customers time
  • Fewer clicks to order placement

The core: Spryker Commerce OS & SAP-Integration

The application runs on the Spryker Commerce OS (Operating System). Therefore, Spryker serves as a data hub for the app and as the order management engine; it controls communication with the relevant basis systems SAP ERP, SAP CRM and InterspecX. Thanks to the integration of the CMS tools, the marketing employees are in a position to create text for pages using components and to design pages. The Spryker OS thus forms the new heart of the app and website.

The app was developed for Windows, to the state of the art. In addition, it works offline, it is multilingual and it can be upgraded according to the Windows standard.

What exactly does Spryker Systems?
Learn more about Spryker from Boris Lokschin, Co-CEO from Spryker Systems GmbH, in the video.

YouTube Video

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The new Gastronomique Website

One-time data maintenance through connection with Spryker.

The Hero Gastronomique website is directed at gastronomy customers and displays the complete Hero AG product line. There, customer can examine the entire product line, read news, find their contact person, download recipes and brochures, and have private labels created.

The website is also connected to Spryker and displays the same products as in the app – which means that the data has to be entered just once. Employees can maintain the content themselves easily using the CMS.

Visit Gastronomique Website

The services of this full integration project

From inception to key user training.

  • Workshops with core team: Sales Manager, Sales Coordination, Marketing and IT, Contextual Inquiry
  • Design: Creation of a graphical design and definition of the user interaction concept for the app
  • App: Specification of the functional and technical concept for the app, development of the tablet version for Windows Surface (modular building and separation of UI und Business logic)
  • Setup Spryker: Setup Gastronomy range, Spryker OS, Search-Engine, Order Management, setup customer administration, data migration and import, test support und key user training
  • Interfaces (Webservices): Integration of mobile app with Spryker, Spryker to SAP ERP and/or SAP CRM