Grenzebach Group

Grenzebach plans and controls supply chain processes with waySuite

In collaboration with valantic, Grenzebach has deployed a comprehensive planning solution that spans various locations and functions, enabling interconnected management of all value-creation activities. This system, founded on valantic’s waySuite, markedly enhances planning reliability and oversight across all involved areas and sites of the company.

Foto der Grenzebach Gruppe, People, valantic Referenz waySuite

Grenzebach orchestrates and manages its supply chain processes utilizing valantic’s waySuite.

Grenzebach serves the global markets of the glass and construction materials industries as well as interlogistics with custom-tailored automation solutions. The company maintains production locations in Hamlar, Iași (Romania), Jiashan (China), and Newnan (USA).

Together with valantic, the company implemented a location and function-spanning planning solution for networked control of all value-creation processes. The solution based on valantic’s waySuite significantly improves planning security and control for all participating company areas and locations.

Results & customer benefit

Increased efficiency and productivity

Optimization of project handling

"Relay race” staffing concept shortens throughput times

Greater planning security

Mockup Reference Supply chain processes APS Software wayRTS at Grenzebach-EN

Success Story: Grenzebach plans and controls supply chain processes with valantic’s waySuite

Grenzebach implemented a location and function-spanning planning solution for networked control of all value-creation processes based on valantic’s waySuite.

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Picture of Moritz Ückert, Manager Supply Chain Management at Grenzebach, speaker valantic Supply Chain Excellence Week

Moritz Ückert
Vice President Supply Chain at Grenzebach

”We are very pleased that we selected valantic as an experienced project partner. We have achieved all the goals that we set for this project together with valantic.“

The initial situation

With the current solution, Grenzebach could hardly have realized such great project and location-spanning integration of all sales & operations planning processes, from quotation and order receipt on through to production, delivery, installation, and start-up. In many departments and offices, there was no integrated location-spanning planning solution. Efficiency and productivity potential could therefore not be exploited fully.

Picture from the Grenzebach Group production plant, case study valantic Supply Chain Excellence

The project - global supply chain excellence

All departments work together

The “relay race” staffing concept is the core of the new planning structure. Designed like a relay race, a project can only be successful and efficient if all departments work together, support each other, and leave “departmental thinking” behind them.

This “relay race” concept is now making project throughput times even shorter. Central planning handles project coordination and rough planning; it provides the guardrails for all functions participating in the project.

Fine planning is done decentrally in the individual departments. Time buffers and safety reserves are kept central and transparent. Only this way can timely completion of multi-plant projects be guaranteed.

Image of two people and automated guided vehicles at Grenzebach


The go-live of the solution, with which the schedules and capacities of customer projects can be planned, was done step by step per location starting in the middle/end of 2020. Thanks to waySuite, Grenzebach is in a position to plan and control the processes for international projects from quotation and order receipt to production, delivery, assembly, and start-up across all functions and locations.

Picture from the Grenzebach Group production plant, case study valantic Supply Chain Excellence

Synchronized planning

The synchronized planning with the wayRTS, wayPRO, and wayMES modules of the waySUITE provides crucial time, efficiency, and productivity benefits. For example, planners can proactively avoid impending capacitive and dispositive bottlenecks, and the single-point-of-truth approach increases planning reliability for all functions involved.

At the beginning of 2019, Grenzebach and valantic started the project by developing a target structure for the new networked planning organization. Here, the primary focus was on complex multi-plant planning and the new higher-performance supply chain management. The central planning handles the location and function-spanning project and production planning. Target processes describe how customer projects will be carried out, from customer inquiry to acceptance and the indication of which departments and offices have to be incorporated at what point in time.

Picture of driverless transport systems of Grenzebach Group, case study valantic Supply Chain Excellence

About Grenzebach

Grenzebach serves the global markets of the glass and construction materials industries as well as interlogistics with custom-tailored automation solutions. In addition, the company is always opening up new areas of application such as friction stir welding, automation of additive production, and digital networking. Grenzebach is one of the global technology leaders in the markets it serves. The company has installed more than 3,000 systems in 55 countries and is one of the global players, with an export quota of over 90%. Production locations in Germany, Romania, the USA, and China, as well as representatives around the world enable customer service on-site. The corporate group was founded over 60 years ago, has since been owned by the founding family, and stands for quality and reliability.

For more information, visit:

Picture of Production plant of the Grenzebach Group, reference valantic Supply Chain Excellence Picture from the Grenzebach Group production plant, case study valantic Supply Chain Excellence Picture of driverless transport systems of Grenzebach Group, case study valantic Supply Chain Excellence Picture of driverless transport systems of Grenzebach Group, case study valantic Supply Chain Excellence, Conveying Technology Foto der Grenzebach Gruppe, People, valantic Referenz waySuite
Mockup Reference Supply chain processes APS Software wayRTS at Grenzebach-EN

Success Story: Grenzebach plans and controls supply chain processes with valantic’s waySuite

Together with valantic, Grenzebach Group implemented a location and function-spanning planning solution for networked control of all value-creation processes based on valantic’s waySuite.

Your Contact

Picture of Peter Grau, Vice President Customer Relationship Management, waySuite

Peter Grau

Vice President
valantic Supply Chain Excellence