
Warning! is a fake profile with fraudulent intentions

valantic GmbH

October 13, 2023

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In the past weeks, we have received several inquiries, primarily from users in India, asking us: Is a legitimate valantic website or a scam?

Please note that is not a valantic website and should not be visited since it may contain malicious code. is a scam!

The name and identity of the valantic Group are being misused for fraudulent purposes. Fake accounts using the name of the valantic Group have been appearing on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, WhatsApp Groups, and others, and a non-authorized webpage has been set up under the domain; this is a scam website that you should not visit!

Please note: Only and its subdomains are official websites of the valantic Group.

valantic has already taken all possible legal steps and is working with law enforcement authorities to end the scam running via the website

The valantic Group would like to stress that we are not involved in any way – directly or indirectly – in the business activities promoted via the website; neither have we authorized any third party to represent us or tender any of the offered goods and services on our behalf.

The valantic Group has already taken all possible legal steps and is working with law enforcement authorities to end the scam.

Please note: Any individual who, contrary to our advice, invests in the fraudulent offerings cannot hold the valantic Group liable for any ensuing monetary or other losses incurred.

The fake profiles are fraudulent, so please exercise extreme caution and refrain from conducting any transactions with these accounts.

FAQ about scam website

Is a scam?

Yes, the website is a scam and has fraudulent intentions. Under no circumstances should you disclose any information to, or conduct any transactions with, them.

Should I invest in

No! Under no circumstances should you invest in these offerings. They are scams. To protect yourself against financial losses, you should not invest in

Is a subsidiary of

No. The valantic Group is not involved in any way – directly or indirectly – in the business activities promoted on the website; neither have we authorized any third party to represent us or tender any of the offered goods and services on our behalf.

Which measures have valantic taken to end the fraudulent activity on

The valantic Group has already taken all possible legal steps and is working with law enforcement authorities to end the scam. With this post, we also urge you to exercise extreme caution and refrain from investing in all offerings.

Should I visit, or is it dangerous?

Please do not visit the website since it may contain malicious code. Please also refrain from sharing and publicizing the link with immediate effect. It is a scam, and we should all do everything in our means to combat it.

Should I report fake accounts on Social Media to the competent authorities and try to block them on Social Media channels?

Yes, reporting scams to the competent authorities can help prevent others from becoming victims. Requesting Social Media companies to block these channels can also help.

Here are some key points to keep in mind about this and other scams!

Identity Theft: Fake accounts may use stolen or fictitious identities, posing as real people to gain your trust. They can easily mimic your friends, family members, or even public figures, making it difficult to differentiate between genuine and fake profiles.

Phishing and Scams: Fraudsters behind fake accounts often engage in phishing activities. They may send messages or post links that appear genuine, tricking you into revealing personal information or clicking on malicious links that can compromise your privacy and security.

Financial Fraud: Fake accounts can also be used to carry out financial scams. These scammers may request money, financial assistance, or promise lucrative opportunities in exchange for your personal or financial details. Remember, legitimate organizations will never ask for sensitive information through social media.

Cyberbullying and Harassment: Fake accounts may be used to harass, bully, or spread false information about individuals. This can have serious emotional and reputational consequences for the targeted person. Be cautious when engaging with unknown individuals and report any suspicious behavior immediately.

To inform you even more, we have asked ChatGPT to answer the question: “What is a scam?”

A scam is a dishonest or fraudulent scheme or operation designed to deceive or defraud individuals or organizations, often for financial gain. Scams can take various forms and are typically carried out by individuals or groups with the intention of tricking people into giving away their money, personal information, or valuable assets.

Common types of scams include:

  1. Phishing Scams: Scammers send deceptive emails, messages, or websites that appear to be from legitimate sources, such as banks or government agencies, to trick recipients into revealing sensitive information like passwords, credit card numbers, or Social Security numbers.
  2. Pyramid Schemes: Pyramid schemes involve recruiting others to invest money with the promise of high returns, with the majority of profits going to those at the top. These schemes eventually collapse, leaving most participants with losses.
  3. Advance Fee Fraud: Scammers request an upfront payment or fee for a promised reward or service that never materializes. Examples include lottery scams and inheritance scams.
  4. Online Shopping Scams: Fraudulent online sellers offer products or services at attractive prices but fail to deliver the goods or provide substandard products.
  5. Tech Support Scams: Scammers pose as tech support agents, claiming that a person’s computer has a problem, and then charge fees for unnecessary repairs or software.
  6. Investment Scams: Fraudsters promise high returns on investments that don’t exist or are not legitimate. These can include Ponzi schemes or fake investment opportunities.
  7. Romance Scams: Scammers create fake online personas to form romantic relationships with individuals and then request money under various pretenses.
  8. Impersonation Scams: Scammers impersonate authorities, government agencies, or trusted organizations to intimidate or manipulate victims into complying with their demands.
  9. Charity Scams: Scammers pose as charitable organizations or individuals in need, soliciting donations that never reach the intended recipients.
  10. Identity Theft: Scammers steal personal information, such as Social Security numbers or credit card details, to commit fraud or make unauthorized purchases.

It’s important to be vigilant and skeptical when dealing with unsolicited offers or requests, especially if they involve sharing personal information or sending money. To avoid falling victim to scams, individuals should verify the legitimacy of offers, use secure and reputable sources for financial transactions, and educate themselves about common scam tactics and warning signs. Reporting scams to relevant authorities can help prevent others from becoming victims.

(Source: ChatGPT; September 25th, 2023)

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