
The path to a holistic customer experience (CX)

Bild von Personen im Gespräch, daneben ein Laptop und ein Tablet, Customer Experience (CX)

How to create a holistic customer experience

If you want to be successful as a company, you have to offer your customers a holistic customer experience. More than ever, an all-encompassing CX is a driving factor behind every purchase decision. How do you achieve the path to a holistic customer experience (CX)? Find out now!

A personalized customer experience along the entire customer journey

Today’s customers buy more than just products. They want a personalized experience to accompany their purchase decision, especially now in the digital age. Companies that can fulfill this desire have a decisive competitive advantage over those that haven’t (yet) recognized the importance of CX.

What we advocate is an integrated and consistent customer experience – across all touchpoints of the customer journey. What does it take to achieve that?

1. Data-Driven Marketing 

2. Sales CRM (customer relationship management) 

3. Service CRM

In other words, the goal must be to focus all company activities on the needs of your customers (360-degree customer view) and to transform their expectations into a holistically satisfying experience.  

What is the hallmark of an integrated customer journey?

Having the right message present on the right channel at the right time. Personalized content, individual offers, and product recommendations must reach users or customers exactly where they are. In today’s age, this preferably happens online.

Depending on the stage a user is currently in, a distinction is made between: 

  • the buyer’s journey, i. e. the journey to becoming a buyer
    In the discovery and awareness phase, the goal is to turn potential customers into buyers. The aim is to persuade users to make a purchase by means of targeted communication.
  • the customer journey, i. e. the journey to becoming a loyal customer
    Existing customers should be efficiently accompanied through various after-sales processes and retained as satisfied customers in the long term.

The “journey” is about covering the entire customer experience from the first point of contact with the company to the purchase and beyond.  

Marketing automation for a holistic customer experience

For many companies, the first step to a state-of-the-art customer experience is to break down inefficient silo structures. Data silos are repositories of data that only certain departments have access to at any given time. These data are often stored in different places within the company – both as paper files and digitally. As a result, important customer data is lost – and with it the opportunity to create a holistic CX.

Graphic for the holistic customer experience (CX)

The solution to this data fiasco is marketing automation. It involves reconnecting existing isolated data and linking previously separate touchpoints together to create a unified customer profile. This results in personalized and automated communication with customers as well as efficient data management.


  1. Technological foundation
    This refers to technology tailored to the needs of the organization. The most efficient choices include cloud-based solutions, such as Customer Data Platforms, Marketing, Sales or Service Clouds.
  2. Organizational foundation
    Ideally, there should be an agile operating model in place, adapted to data-driven marketing. The goal is to react as quickly as possible to the rapidly changing conditions and needs of users. This can only be achieved with flexible and dynamic workflows. Keyword: process optimization.


Those who manage customer data centrally and rely on automated or data-driven marketing can respond better to the needs of their customers. This ensures increased customer satisfaction and sustainable customer loyalty. A holistic and personalized customer experience is thus a deciding factor for stable, long-term growth.

Contact us right away!

Do you need some hands-on support on the journey to your holistic CX? The experts at valantic are happy to help.

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