
From Trainee to IT System Administrator

Celine Wittmer

August 5, 2020

Bild von Erik Töpfer, Auszubildender IT Systemintegration bei valantic Customer Engagement and Commerce, im Hintergrund die Stadt Mannheim sowie Bilder der Büroräume in Mannheim

Erik, 22, is now an IT system administrator. He tells us what a trainee as information specialist for system integration does and why he likes working at valantic.

How was your start at valantic?

My start at valantic was very pleasant. A student at the time, I applied for a traineeship to become a qualified IT specialist for system integration. After sending in my application, I soon received an invitation for a personal interview. Even during the first conversation, I found the valantic colleagues very sympathetic. I especially liked that they were really interested in me. A week after the interview, I was invited to a day-long “practical trial.” I had the opportunity to get to know my future team and my future tasks as a trainee a bit better. I really liked what I saw, so I was really pleased when I was offered the traineeship spot.

The start of my training was very informative and exciting at any rate. My team received me warmly and the support from my trainers was excellent. I felt very comfortable right from the start, so the beginning of my path into the professional world was easy.

What have you done in your training?

During my training, I was especially active in two areas: Support (first, second, and third-level) and infrastructure.
In the process, my tasks in IT support included the handover and introduction of hardware for new employees, hardware orders, and the handling of support inquiries from valantic colleagues in our location.

Similarly, I was the initial contact person for troubleshooting and quality assurance for our hardware and software.  In the infrastructure realm, I focused especially on firewall and network technology and virtualization. In addition, I was able to assist with internal projects, such as the Office 365 mail migration.

What are you doing today?

My tasks haven’t changed that much, only the task distribution is a bit different today. Now I work less in support; for that, I work more on IT infrastructure and security. Among other things, this includes mobile device management; that is, the management of mobile end user devices and the securing and guaranteeing of special services.

What do you especially like about valantic?

At valantic, I especially appreciate the teamwork and the openness and friendly nature of my colleagues. At the beginning of my training, I was a bit shy. Nevertheless, I found it easy to become part of the team since all team members approached me directly and seemed interested in me. During my training, I was always able to ask my trainer or my team if I had questions. I especially liked that I was able to assume responsibility right away even though I was “just” a trainee and I could actively assist with the design and optimization of processes.

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