
From software provider to consulting: Juan Pablo’s change of perspective at valantic

Sarah Pfeil

July 9, 2024

Vom Software-Anbieter ins Consulting: Juan Pablos Perspektivenwechsel bei valantic

Hello Pablo, it’s nice that you are with us today. Please introduce yourself!

Of course! I’m Juan Pablo Ahumada Gutierrez, but most people just call me Pablo. I have been part of the team at valantic since January 1st of this year, and I work in the field of e-procurement consulting. So, I’m still quite new here.

Thank you for introducing yourself, Pablo! Can you tell us briefly about your career thus far and what led you to valantic?

My professional path began with a degree in economics in Frankfurt. I was interested in international topics early on, especially development economics. The vision of contributing to development cooperation took me to Africa, where I completed various internships. However, when there was no long-term position available for me, I reoriented myself toward consulting.

I took a great opportunity to start my career in e-procurement and the software industry at a Munich-based company. I quickly moved into the topic of pre-sales there and assisted with the sales process for software solutions.

After six years in different positions, my path led me to valantic. This is also my first job where my role is fully devoted to consulting. Previously, I was mainly on the solution provider side, and now I am on the side of those who provide consulting and implementation services.

What motivated you to switch to a consulting company like valantic?

At first, it was that I knew someone who had taken a job at valantic. When I got to know the team, I was impressed by the pleasant working atmosphere and the opportunity to work in the office. The change of perspective and the opportunity to apply my previous knowledge in the field of e-procurement in a new context also motivated me.

What challenges did you face when you transitioned to the consulting industry without a traditional consulting background?

The biggest challenge was to move from a sales-oriented role to one focused on solving implementation problems. A mindset change was required to understand the challenges that arise during implementation. I have to think in new ways here and expect a start-up period of up to 6 months. But I am absolutely convinced that this will work well for me at valantic.

How did valantic help you make the transition as smooth as possible?

Support came mainly from the team spirit and my colleagues’ readiness to help. Being open to each other at all times, even if there is a lot to do, and the trust that has been placed in me helped me a lot. The opportunity to meet often in person, despite the geographical distribution of the team, was also very beneficial.

Can you tell us more about your work at valantic? What projects are you currently working on?

I am still in the training phase and am currently completing a certification for Ivalua, an e-procurement solution that we are implementing. I work in a small start-up unit within valantic with about 10 to 15 people. We focus on the implementation and post-go-live support of e-procurement projects. As a senior expert and consultant in e-procurement, I am developing skills both in sales and in project management.

What specific challenges do you face in projects, and how do you deal with them?

Currently, I am working on a large project as a deputy for the project manager. The challenge is to quickly learn and connect. Dealing with the various stakeholders requires tact, and the ability to strike the balance between assertiveness and restraint. For me, this is a continuous learning process, and I am trying to improve all the time.

Can you share a success story where your contribution made a significant difference in the project outcome?

It may be too early for a classic success story, but I count the mere fact that valantic has given me responsibility for a project so quickly and the trust this entails as a personal success. It is precisely the trust that valantic places in me that motivates me in my everyday work.

Finally, Pablo, if you look to the future, what goals have you set yourself both personally and professionally at valantic, and how do you plan to achieve them?

Personally and professionally, I see myself as a project manager at valantic, but I also do not want to lose my connection to the sales field. I want to have a dual role where I can assist and continue to develop. It is important to me to treat customers fairly and transparently and to interact respectfully with employees and customers. These values are my strategy for achieving my goals at valantic.

Thank you very much for the great interview, Pablo!

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