
Building bridges – Jenny’s role at the intersection of tech and business

Jenny Vytruchenko, AI Consultant at valantic

Meet Jenny from valantic’s GenAI Taskforce, who connects business needs with AI solutions for effective project delivery.

Hi Jenny, you are part of the GenAI Taskforce. In simple words: What does the GenAI Taskforce do?

The AI taskforce is a growth platform within valantic. Our goal is to connect the people for any sort of AI projects. We provide information, materials and help deliver projects. This can range from sharing experiences from other AI projects, to providing developers to help implement a solution to consult on architectural decisions. We also have moved a bit from purely GenAI to more AI in general to meet the need of our clients. Because it is often just about simple AI use cases. And many companies are realising that they are starting to talk about GenAI even though they don’t even have an AI strategy yet. 

You are not only part of the task force, but also GenAI Lab Lead. What are your tasks in this role? 

Within the taskforce we have a GenAI lab, our technical team. As lab lead my role is to be the bridge between the tech team and the business side. I studied robotics and AI and worked both as an AI engineer and consultant so far. This means that I try to understand and break down our customer needs into manageable work packages. Then of course I translate to our customers in a more business/goal-oriented way what our team has done in technical terms.

What moments in your job fulfil you with pride?    

For me some of the proudest moments are when I walk through valantic, coming to a new place where people don’t even know me, but they know vally. This is the GenAI chatbot we built for the entire valantic. It is nice to hear people tell me how great it is and how it has helped them. And to have people come to us with new ideas to develop it even further. This is something me and my team are very proud of.  

Throughout your career, you’ve lived in eight different countries for internships, university studies, and other opportunities. Today, you are multilingual. How have these international experiences benefited you in your professional life? 

It has helped me to understand different people from different cultures. Not just the culture itself, but more understanding the background and the ways of thinking. That creates a lot of empathy. And I am quite good at that and think, that makes me a good consultant. In the end it is about understanding what people really want. It has also made me able to take on new challenges, not be afraid to come out of my shell, ask for help or clarifications, and communicate more effectively.

To wrap it up: What does your offline after-work routine look like after a long day in front of the PC?  

It is running or some sort of high intensity cardio. My favourite on is a spinning class in Munich, where everything is dark, you don’t see your red face and you have these head phones with techno music. And there is the trainer yelling at you to go faster – and I love it!  Over the summer I am also training for a half marathon in San Sebastian.

Thank you for the insights and the inspiring conversation, Jenny.

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