
5 questions for… Tim Wedler, Managing Director of the NEXUS Netsoft Group

Maike Rose

December 16, 2019

Image of a tablet pc, the valantic company logo, the NEXUS UNITED company logo and Tim Wedler, Managing Director of the NEXUS Netsoft group, interview with Tim Wedler

Hello Tim! NEXUS United has been part of valantic since December 10. How was this decision made and what are you hoping to achieve with this step?

A while ago, we set out on a search for a “big brother” with whom we can continue to grow and further expand our competencies. Our market is changing very quickly and our clients’ demands are increasing quickly as well. We have developed very nicely up to this point and we have fought our way to the top of our sector, but we are still too small for some interesting jobs even though we have the expertise.

In addition, we determined that the market is continuing to converge. ERP, CRM, PLM, E-Commerce, BI, etc. are melding ever more into interrelated system environments. As much as we want to, we can’t do everything ourselves and maintain top quality. Together with valantic, however, we can fulfill nearly all of our customers’ needs with exceptional precision.

Our claim is “Do more together!” and we take this literally. With the valantics, we NEXians have finally found our people after a long search; they share our values and we will be able to achieve more together, for and with our clients, our partners, and, of course, our colleagues.

Maybe you can tell us again exactly which services NEXUS provides?

Nexus consists of three core areas. The first area is “E-commerce.” Here, we develop complex transaction platforms, marketplaces, and shops with everything associated with a complex system environment, e.g. PIM and many more elements. NEXUS grew on this basis and with the areas IoT (PLM) and data-driven marketing (CRM, CDP), it has also tapped into adjacent topics. This provides ambitious clients with a rare combination of expertise and skills that reach far beyond the classic E-commerce and traditional agency business.

How will your customers benefit from the merger?

Starting now, we can also serve as a stable partner, assisting our customers with truly large digitalization projects and thus opening up areas that were previously off-limits to us since our team was too small relative to the clients. valantic has more than 1,000 people with outstanding horizontal and vertical expertise. There are specialists for nearly every industry and technology, and now we can work with them to help our clients.

The best part is that at the end of our long search for a big brother, we have found a partner that could actually be related to NEXUS, both in terms of its culture and values. Anyone who likes working with NEXUS will also like working with valantic in other areas.

What will change for your employees and for the NEXUS management?

This question is easy to answer: initially, nothing will change. We merged with valantic because we wanted to, not because we had to. And seen the other way around, valantic selected us because we are so successful and because we are the way we are.

But of course some things will change in the medium and long term. Starting now, we have 25 locations, 1,000 new colleagues, and a veritable cornucopia of technologies, knowledge, and potential. All of this is available to us and anyone who wants to can get what’s best for them. And this also applies for the management. I don’t see any downside. We will continue to work and strive to get a little better every day. We will fill our working hours, which are also the hours of our lives, with sustainability and substance in order to create the best IT solutions on the market in our areas.

What are you looking forward to the most?

I believe that I speak for everybody when I say that we look forward to being able to take advantage of the common potential, which now  – together with valantic  – has become available to us. This potential may look different for each individual, but metaphorically speaking, we’re now playing in the Champions League and everybody is happy about this: the players, trainers, managers, and the fans.

Starting now, we can shout our motto “Do more together!” loudly and proudly. I am extremely proud of what we NEXians have achieved in the past and I look forward to the next level, one on which we as valantic-ers will achieve even more.

Thank you very much for the conversation, Tim!

Thank you for your questions!

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