Sabrina Albrecht

Chief People Officer, valantic


"valantic is a phenomenally dynamic and innovative employer. I’m delighted to be contributing passionately to valantic’s stellar growth trajectory through innovative HR management."

“Implementing innovative HR management with passion!”

Sabrina, what are the biggest challenges facing HR departments today?

In times when company growth can depend heavily on overcoming the shortage of skilled workers, attracting new talent and retaining top performers is more crucial than ever. HR teams must realign if they are to successfully navigate future challenges in recruitment and retention. Cornerstones of our strategic HR approach thus include an appreciative candidate experience, upskilling through innovative learning techniques as part of a sustainable employee journey, and attractive employer branding.

What is particularly important to you in your work?

Diversity and the associated variety of perspectives are crucial success factors for me. To name just one example: The proportion of women at valantic is already 25% higher than the industry average. Something very close to my heart is further increasing this share through initiatives such as valantic’s internal women’s network. Ingenious approaches and ideas thrive when diverse perspectives and creativity are not just empty words but actively encouraged.

Where did you learn the tools of the trade as an HR professional?

Amongst other things, I gained extensive experience in HR at COGNOS AG, Germany’s largest private training provider, where I was responsible for the HR division and designing and evolving a sustainable, needs-based HR portfolio. Associated with this was the overarching task of transforming the HR teams themselves. Before that, I worked in executive search for the internationally active SR Group. I studied in Cologne and now live in Berlin. I am also qualified as a Certified Scrum Master and a Systemic Organizational Consultant.