Holger von Daniels

Founder & Chief Executive Officer, valantic


“We work hard every day to make valantic the most respected digital solutions and consulting brand in Europe.”

What motivates you at valantic?

Our abovementioned vision and valantic’s accomplishments thus far motivate me every day because we have created something truly unique at valantic: a digitalization specialist that understands customers’ needs, has established itself as a next-gen digital transformation partner in Europe, and brings together the leading digitalization companies in their respective fields. I emphasize “we” because valantic is defined by many individuals who see themselves as entrepreneurs, taking responsibility for our customers, colleagues, and the environment.

Holger, why did you found valantic in 2012?

In my previous work as a consultant, customers repeatedly told me: “We need a digital consultancy that has a sound grasp of cutting-edge technologies at the highest level and provides holistic services from a single source; also one capable of integrating or migrating our legacy systems, and whom we can 100% rely on.”

Many customers felt that no such consultancy existed, and this was precisely what inspired me to found valantic.

What makes valantic unique in your view?

Four key aspects set us apart from other digital consultancies:

  1. Our partnership-based management structure attracts the brightest minds dedicated to delivering their best for our clients, even in challenging situations.
  2. Our five core values Partnership, Entrepreneurship, Operational Excellence, Fairness, and One Firm are practiced passionately by all our colleagues.
  3. Our decentralized, agile, and holocratic management structure and culture let us continuously reinvent ourselves.
  4. Our unwavering commitment to innovation and training. We have never paid a single euro in dividends, preferring to reinvest all our earnings into our future.

What did you do before valantic?

Before founding valantic, I was a board member at Allgeier SE and, before that, worked at Roland Berger. In my roles as project manager, principal, and member of the management board, I was responsible for many projects for mid-market enterprises. I completed my studies and earned my doctorate at St. Gallen (HSG), New York University (NYU), and the University of Rostock.