Daniel Tschentscher

Partner & Managing Director, Strategy and Value Creation

Daniel Tschentscher, valantic Partner & Managing Director, Division Digital Strategy & Analytics

Daniel Tschentscher helps shareholders grow their investment through digital value creation. His belief: “Run every project as if it was your own company - and your own money.”

What do you do at valantic?

I help shareholders and management to execute a successful value creation strategy, create a clear roadmap and drive digital transformation. If necessary, my team and Igo in ourselves as interim managers and make things happen.

What motivates you?

Making a difference. I have run more than 150 digital transformation projects. Many of the clients I have consulted are now digital leaders in their space, and many of the people that have helped to execute the transformations are now continuing to drive the change as CEOs.

What’s the best praise you can get from a customer?

We often hear that we are “not at all like typical consultants.” Which means: We run our projects as true entrepreneurs, we work as equals with our customers’ teams, and we believe in measurable, pragmatic results instead of fancy PowerPoint presentations.

Why do you work at valantic?

Because it is a truly entrepreneurial place. And because we share a common set of values. These include transparency, honesty, non-politics and mutual respect – for each other, and for our customers.