Jürgen Muth

Partner & Managing Director, valantic Division SAP Services & Customer Experience

Jürgen Muth, Partner & Managing DIrector, DIvision SAP Services

We accompany our customers along their digital transformation journeys, serving as a dependable partner that excels both in the business and technological domains.

What motivates you?

Supporting our clients in their entrepreneurial endeavors as a management coach is both my profession and passion. It motivates me every day to work closely with them as a partner, offering holistic advice, and delivering optimal solutions for their operational and technological needs. Since my days studying industrial engineering, I have been passionate about integrating business and technology to generate the greatest possible value for our customers.

What are your tasks / responsibilities at valantic?

I am the Managing Director of valantic ERP Consulting, valantic Operations and valantic CEC Deutschland. I also manage valantic’s SAP Services Division alongside Karsten Ötschmann, am responsible for partner management with SAP, and am the contact person for our customers.

What do you find so special about valantic?

At valantic, we consistently go the extra mile for our customers. With our extensive technical expertise, we thoroughly understand our customers’ current challenges, offering them long-term support in their digitalization efforts and partnering with them as equals. At all times, we are a driving force, providing them with the latest technological solutions tailored to the relevant industry. Moreover, we truly enjoy our work, both within the team and externally, when interacting with our customers. Our team spirit and successful growth trajectory are also truly unique.

Jürgen, what did you do before joining valantic?

Before joining valantic, I was a partner at TOPAS Consulting GmbH, where I oversaw consulting and development projects in the manufacturing industry and for utility companies. Uwe Fischer and I acquired the company through a management buyout from today’s RWE AG which had owned it for seven years. Following the acquisition by the Tieto Group, I continued working there for four years in various national and international roles. In 2010, my meeting with Christoph Resch and Patrick Ganzmann, partners at valantic CEC Deutschland GmbH, led me to join the management team of what was then movento GmbH.