Environmental Social Governance (ESG) at valantic

We are not only guided by our five corporate values, but we also see ourselves as part of society. This is why we want to treat the Environment, Social issues and Governance in such a way that our planet remains a place worth living in.

Business man working in the train.

As a fast-growing consultancy, we are aware of our responsibility for the environment and want to make a positive contribution.


Because not everyone is as fortunate we are, we give something back to the community: by donating to various causes, from child aid organizations to world hunger relief.


We perceive ourselves as acting with integrity, dependability and correctness. We have established a comprehensive Compliance Management System to ensure that our company acts ethically and in compliance with the law.

This is why we are part of the UN Global Compact, for example, to which we report annually on our measures for a more social and environmentally friendly globalization. We also regularly review compliance with our own and general ESG requirements.


Bees flying towards a flower; ESG - Environment

As a fast-growing consultancy, we are aware of our responsibility for the environment and want to make a positive contribution. With this in mind, we at valantic have recently redefined our commitment to environmental sustainability and decided against using the climate neutrality label through compensation. Our focus is even stronger on actively reducing our emissions by implementing internal measures.

We achieve this by introducing environmentally friendly practices and innovative technologies throughout our organisation. This shift towards a more holistic approach aims to create a culture of responsibility and accountability for our environmental impacts. With regard to unavoidable mobility and commuting, we promote the use of rail travel (BahnCard), rental bikes and car pools. We are also reducing our carbon footprint by using more and more green electricity in modern and energy-efficient office buildings.

Especially given our rapid growth, we are aware that we still have significant progress to make on our sustainability journey. Our commitment to environmental responsibility is driven by this awareness. To achieve our environmental ambitions, we focus on our 3 pillars of creating transparency, embedding governance and realising reductions.


Creating transparency to enable continuous monitoring and improvement of Carbon emissions


Embedding a valantic ESG governance to allow company-wide collaboration and to strengthen stakeholder involvement and commitment


Focusing on continuously reducing our emissions through hot-spot analysis, implementation of effective measures and change management

Person holds plant in her hand

Plant for ther planet

Grow together – Let’s grow together!

At valantic, we firmly believe that true growth is not only about the development of our company, but should also have a positive impact on our common future and environment. For this reason, we plant a tree with every new hire in collaboration with the “Plant for the planet” initiative. “Plant for the planet” is a global movement that works to restore forest ecosystems to combat the challenges of climate change and species extinction.

Since the start of our collaboration, 3875 trees have already been planted (as of August 2023)! This is a step towards a greener and more sustainable world. We believe that every contribution counts, no matter how big or small.

Just like our mission to drive digitization in business, we consider it our corporate responsibility to reduce our environmental footprint in the world. Working with this initiative allows us to actively contribute to improving our environment. Together, we are committed to a better future. Let’s keep growing and make the world a more livable place. Join us in creating a digital, greener future!



Volunteers hand over packages to those in need; ESG - Social

valantic means diversity

  • … of cultures and people. Diversity makes us smarter, more innovative and more attractive. In the “valantic Women Power” network, female employees exchange views on society, science and business. Newly added companies broaden our spectrum.
  • … of responsibility. In an environment in which not only the management but also each individual feels jointly responsible for the success of the organization and for his or her colleagues, there is no place for indifference or apathy at the workplace. Every internal suggestion for improvement is valuable for us.
  • … of knowledge and learning. The “valantic Learning Hub”, helps constantly expand the industry-specific knowledge and soft skills of our employees and prepare them for new trends.

And because not everyone is as fortunate we are, we give something back to the community: by donating to various causes, from child aid organizations to world hunger relief.


Statue of Justizia on a desk; ESG - Governance

We perceive ourselves as acting with integrity, dependability and correctness. In the course of implementing our compliance strategy, we have established a comprehensive Compliance Management System (CMS) to ensure that our company acts ethically and in compliance with the law. The CMS also serves to prevent and avoid infringements. This objective targets our senior management and all employees, as well as our business partners. Key obligations, guidelines, and values to ensure legal compliance at our company are set out in our Code of Conduct.

Our Code of Conduct is substantiated by a large number of compliance guidelines and rules of conduct.

Another key element of our CMS is the establishment of a company-internal, web-based whistleblower system. Any company employee or business partner (supplier, customer, etc.) can report legal infringements and violations of the Code of Conduct and guidelines – also entirely anonymously.

valantic Whistleblower Tool

Business people shaking hands in the office hallway

Supply Chain Sustainability

Supply chain sustainability is an important part of corporate responsibility.

Our ethical, social and environmental principles help to improve the sustainability of our supply chain.

These principles are set out in our Supplier Code of Conduct and we expect our suppliers to adhere to them.